Climbing Houghton Hill

It's always cool when you discover a place named after one of your ancestors.  Manhattan has Vermilyea Ave. and Ross County, Ohio has Jones Road, for example. So, here's a new one: Houghton Hill in Homer, New York.  Homer is 30 miles due…

Probate Discovery: Fred A. King (1857-1920)

On our recent trip to northern Minnesota, we stopped in the Cass County Courthouse in Walker, Minnesota and obtained a copy of Fred A. King’s probate file.  Fred is my 2nd great-grandfather (2GG).  This was an overdue discovery, given…

Road Trip to Red River Valley II

Our road trip this summer to the Red River Valley in northwestern Minnesota was a tremendous success.  We added 3 Norwegian ancestors to our family tree! Background:  Our Bonn ancestry is based upon a connection to the village of Bøn,…

Road Trip to Red River Valley I

Genealogy on the Move:  Genealogy road trips are a marvelous, fun way to conduct research.  Nothing can replace the intimacy of seeing a family homestead, former residence, or grave site in person. Road trips can also be remarkably productive. …