R.I.P. Joy M. Kiser (1947-2022)
Our family was stunned and heart-broken to hear of Joy Kiser's unexpected death a week ago at age 74. She would have been 75 tomorrow.
Joy was the Jones family historian. Beginning in the 1990s, Joy spent many years researching the tragic…

My Pilgrim Ancestors
My son Peter gave me a book for Christmas that I really enjoyed - They Knew They Were Pilgrims: Plymouth Colony and the Contest for American Liberty. It's a new history of Plymouth Colony by John G. Turner, a professor of religion at George…

Origin of Hildeburn Name
In 1831, Robert McMullin Jr. (1787-1862) and wife Mary Tabele (1795-1869) of Philadelphia named their eldest son Samuel Hildeburn McMullin (1831-1892). Samuel is my 2nd great-grandfather (2GG) and his parents Robert and Mary are 3GGs.

Discovery: Wesley Blalock had Two Wives
Just not at the same time!
In 2012, I obtained the Civil War pension file for 2GG Wesley Blalock (1825-1895) from the National Archives.((Wesley Blalock (Pvt., Co. K, 31st Ill. Inf., Civil War), pension no. Inv. 58388, Case Files of Approved…

The Lost Township of Northampton
Empires rise, empires fall, boundaries shift, names change. Every genealogist encounters past jurisdictions that no longer exist. Only 150 odd years ago, Germany was a patchwork of 39 kingdoms, duchies, and principalities. As a result,…

Distant Cousins with Familiar Names, Part II
I had the good fortune of connecting this summer with two distant cousins who share very rare surnames from my family tree:
A previous post told the story of my new Tabele cousin.((See it here.)) This post discusses…

My Vermilyea Cousin in Fairbanks, Alaska
Lucia and I flew to Alaska last month!
It was an amazing trip and we hope to return. We encourage anyone who has not been to consider it. It is as advertised - majestically beautiful and naturally wilder than any place in the lower 48. …

Distant Cousins with Familiar Names, Part I
This summer, I fortuitously connected with two distant cousins who share unusual surnames from my family tree:
The Tabele family is a branch in my father's tree; the Wührlin family is a branch in my mother's. This…

Probate Discovery: Mrs. Caroline S. King (1860-1932)
Now that Shuping and I summer in Minnesota, I was hoping to take advantage of our proximity to local genealogical records.
Last week was my first chance to do so. We made a day trip north to Grand Rapids, Minnesota and obtained the probate…

Squatters in Ross County, Ohio
I've neglected my blog for two months. But I have a good excuse. We've been busy working on our new lake cabin and getting it furnished. A very productive and fun time, actually, but I'm ready to dive back in now.
Irish-American Robert…