Prominent Ancestral Lineages, Part 2
In my last post, I identified the four longest surname lineages in the Jonnes Family Tree:
11 Generations --
(339 years)
10 Generations --
(283 years)
(284 years)
(263 years)
I don't have any surname lineages…

My Sundgau Ancestry: A Roman Catholic Twig
My ancestry is overwhelmingly Protestant. I expected this since my father's heritage involves Presbyterians, Episcopalians, Quakers, Baptists, and other Protestant denominations, and my mother's family was primarily Lutheran; she was born…

Distant Cousins with Familiar Names, Part II
I had the good fortune of connecting this summer with two distant cousins who share very rare surnames from my family tree:
A previous post told the story of my new Tabele cousin.((See it here.)) This post discusses…

Genealogy Conferences Adjust to Pandemic Restrictions
Like everyone else, the genealogy education industry has been dramatically affected by the coronavirus pandemic. However, my impression is that it also adjusted to the new circumstances somewhat better than most organizations because remote…

The Illegitimate Baby of Rosalie Rist
We've been exploring my Alsatian heritage rather extensively in recent weeks. (See blog posts here, here, here, and here.) While reviewing one last time all the parish and civil vital records for Dannemarie, France, I discovered an intriguing…

Pushing the Line Back in Alsace
I finally received the pre-1793 parish records for Dannemarie in Alsace, France. I mentioned this previously (here). I ordered them from the Centre de Recherches sur l'Histoire des Families in Guebwiller, Alsace.
The package took a month…

My Alsatian Ancestors Crossed the Atlantic in 1827
Oh my goodness ... when it rains it pours. Without really expecting to, I found the ship passenger record for Lawrence & Rose Whaley when they immigrated from France!
As the previous two blog posts have discussed here and here, I've…

1823 Alsatian Marriage Record Is Translated
In my previous post, I revealed a major discovery about my Whaley-Rist ancestry, which is up-line from my Miller ancestors. I found the marriage record for 4GGs Lawrence Whaley (1796-1870) and Rose Whaley (1801-1890) in the French civil registration…

Discovery: Alsatian Marriage Record for Whaley Ancestors
In prepping for the Europe trip we're probably not going on, I started reviewing the information I had collected in the past about my Alsatian ancestors. In doing so, I made a major discovery! I found the original French marriage record…

Discovery: 1885 Bonn Census Record
Talk about solving a mystery fast!
Last week, I outlined some of the new information revealed by the homestead file of my 2nd great-uncle Christ O. Bonn (1858-1943).((Christ O. Bonn, (Marshall County) homestead file, final certificate no.…