X Chromosome Redux: Sogndal v. Hafslo
Following up on my X-Chromosome post from a couple months ago,((See it here. )) I found two new DNA matches on my X Chromosome that allow me to assign even deeper Norwegian ancestry to some segments.
As background, the image above shows…

Longevity of Hafslo Ancestors
I mentioned in a previous blog post that Dorthe Eriksdatter Aaberge (1838-1938) is the oldest confirmed ancestor in our family tree. Now I know why.
Her father lived to be at least 89 years old and her grandfather lived to be 95!

Ancestry Discovery: Photographs of Sogndal Ancestors
To me, discovering photos or images of an ancestor is as important as determining their vital statistics. It puts a face to a name and reveals character and personality. Even cooler, sometimes you can see a physical resemblance to yourself…

The Hafslo Connection
"Nurse Betty," an aunt of mine whose DNA I manage, recently forwarded an email she received from someone who matched her on FamilyTreeDNA. I will refer to him as "Mr. Anderson." My aunt and Mr. Anderson share 118 centimorgans (cM) of DNA. …