Autograph Album Reveals Bernt Bonn Trip to Norway
It’s another discovery from my Mother’s cache of memorabilia. I found a small autograph book from the 1880s belonging to my great-grandfather, Bernt Olsen Bønsmoen (1856-1937). He was born and raised at the Bønsmoen cotter farm…

Charcoal Drawings of Bernt & Bertha Bonn
In a previous post (here), I unveiled new photographs of Bernt Olsen Bonn (1856-1937) and Bertha Pettersdatter Aaberge (1865-1936) which were obtained last year from our Norwegian cousins in the Sogndal area.
This summer, we brought…

Ancestral Farms in Eidsvoll, Norway
During last month's first-ever trip to Norway, one of my main goals was to drive around the village of Bøn in Eidsvoll Municipality to find ancestral farms.
In particular, I wanted to see if I could pin down the precise location of a farm…

Discovery: 1885 Bonn Census Record
Talk about solving a mystery fast!
Last week, I outlined some of the new information revealed by the homestead file of my 2nd great-uncle Christ O. Bonn (1858-1943).((Christ O. Bonn, (Marshall County) homestead file, final certificate no.…

Bonn Properties in Red River Valley
I didn't think it would take this long to get back to my Road Trip to Red River Valley series of blog posts. (Access chapter 1 here and chapter 2 here.) But here we are. Finally!
As described previously, my 2nd great-grandparents Ole…

The Perils of Norway Research
I made an error in my last post. It's the statement that Laura Olsdatter Bohn (1853-1923) immigrated to the United States in 1887, arriving in New York City on the S.S. Island on 8 July.
After I posted, one of my SLIG instructors, Finn…

Bønsmoen It Is!
One of the mysteries of my Norwegian ancestry has been the question of the Bonn surname: how did it originate and from where exactly? In Norway, the family name and location often go together, based on the old tradition of giving every farm…

Road Trip to Red River Valley II
Our road trip this summer to the Red River Valley in northwestern Minnesota was a tremendous success. We added 3 Norwegian ancestors to our family tree!
Background: Our Bonn ancestry is based upon a connection to the village of Bøn,…

Road Trip to Red River Valley I
Genealogy on the Move: Genealogy road trips are a marvelous, fun way to conduct research. Nothing can replace the intimacy of seeing a family homestead, former residence, or grave site in person.
Road trips can also be remarkably productive. …