David Reich Produces a Classic
I'm a little behind the curve on this because Prof. Reich's new book came out months ago, but I did want to draw attention to it. Who We Are and How We Got Here: Ancient DNA and the New Science of the Human Past is simply the best summation…

Hiatus II
We're on our way! Leaving this week for England, Scotland, Netherlands, and Norway. I thought I would have had time to put out another blog post or two before the big adventure, but not to be ... just too much going on. I should have much…

SLIG 2020 Courses Revealed
The 2020 schedule of courses for the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy (SLIG) were revealed at the Friday night banquet on January 18. I encourage anyone interested in genealogy to attend. These are top-flight courses taught by the world's…

Going to the Promised Land!
Each January, the genealogy world turns its attention to Salt Lake City. That's because the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy (SLIG) holds its annual series of educational courses during the month and hundreds of hobbyists and professionals…

Hiatus I
I'm going to take a holiday break from the blog. It's Christmas season and we have some travel plans this month. Also, I need to catch up on other projects.
Please look forward to the following blog topics in 2019:
Bønsmoen Farm

Projects, Plans, & Accomplishments: 2018 – 2019
Every genealogist's path to becoming professional is different. Like many others, it began for me as a hobby. But once I retired in 2016, I got more passionate about it - and more serious. My first year of operation as a professional has…

New Jean Manco Book is Out
I just found out that author Jean Manco passed away earlier this year, so I thought I would due her some credit by blogging about her books.
Manco is a British building historian with a background in architectural preservation. In later…

It’s Official – We’re Going to Norway Next Year!
In 2019, my wife and I are planning to realize a long-held dream - to visit Norway, one of my ancestral homelands.
The entire trip will span about three weeks, beginning with a week touring Britain with another couple who are good friends. …

A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far, Far Away …
Sir Hugh de Malebisse - Norman knight, participant in Battle of Hastings, 1066 A.D. This is the man who launched my interest in genealogy!
It happened in 4th grade. We had an assignment to do a report on someone interesting in our family. …