Suggested Boy’s Names from our Family Tree

Following on the previous post, here are seven suggested boy's names from our family tree: Henry Nelson Peter Lars David Thomas Stephen HENRY - This is a great example of how genealogy can illustrate an ancient…

Suggested Girl’s Names from our Family Tree

I sometimes think about which baby names would be meaningful from our family history.  So this post is primarily addressed to younger family members as well as any future family who are thinking about names for their babies.  This was prompted…

Display Your Ancestry Over the Fireplace!

There are lots of ways to display your family tree, but here's one I bet you never heard of.  My father, Nelson Jonnes, had the idea 20 years ago to create a fireplace mantel that displayed the key surnames in his ancestry.  He asked his good…

Images of 3rd Great-Grandparents

It is rare to find images of third great-grandparents (3GGs). In my previous post here, I reported the discovery of a photograph of Berte Mikkelsdatter Vikheim (1812-1883), a 3GG.  Although she's the first Norwegian, she is the eighth 3GG…

New Photographs of Bonn Great-Grandparents

This is a newly-obtained photograph of my great-grandfather, Bernt Olsen Bonn (1856-1937).  I got it last month from cousins in Sogndal, Norway.  I had never seen it before.  It seems to show Bernt in his late 30s or early 40s. Because…
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Ancestry Discovery: Photographs of Sogndal Ancestors

To me, discovering photos or images of an ancestor is as important as determining their vital statistics.  It puts a face to a name and reveals character and personality.  Even cooler, sometimes you can see a physical resemblance to yourself…

Going to the Promised Land!

Each January, the genealogy world turns its attention to Salt Lake City.  That's because the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy (SLIG) holds its annual series of educational courses during the month and hundreds of hobbyists and professionals…

Y-Chromosome Adam and Mitochondrial Eve

Although Autosomal DNA is beginning to become better known as more and more people test their DNA, Y-DNA and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) probably still dominate the popular imagination. The reason is because of Adam and Eve.  No, I don't…

Introducing My Family Tree

Building on the efforts of my parents and others in the family, I have been actively working on ancestry for nearly 8 years now.  The 5-generation pedigree chart shown here is the culmination of that work - or at least we can say that it displays…

A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far, Far Away …

Sir Hugh de Malebisse - Norman knight, participant in Battle of Hastings, 1066 A.D.  This is the man who launched my interest in genealogy! It happened in 4th grade.  We had an assignment to do a report on someone interesting in our family. …