Great Migration Ancestors
The Great Migration Project is a multi-decade research effort led by Robert Charles Anderson of the New England Historic Genealogical Society (NEHGS). Click Americanancestors.org to view their website.
The goal of the project is to identify…

Prominent Ancestral Lineages, Part 2
In my last post, I identified the four longest surname lineages in the Jonnes Family Tree:
11 Generations --
(339 years)
10 Generations --
(283 years)
(284 years)
(263 years)
I don't have any surname lineages…

Prominent Ancestral Lineages, Part 1
It struck me recently that I had never really thought about which surnames in my tree are the most prominent in terms of generational length.
Certainly my paternal line, marked by the surname Jones (or more recently, Jonnes) is one that looms…

My Civil War Ancestors
In recent posts, I've been in an analysis rather than research mode. First came a summary of ten years of discoveries and breakthroughs. (Read here.) Then I posted a series of three articles about the occupations of my ancestors. (Read…

Ancestors by Occupation III
This is the last in a series of three posts about my ancestor's occupations. See the first two here and here.
In a nutshell, my ancestors were mainly merchants, bankers, doctors, scientists, teachers, clergy, local public officials, and…

Ancestors by Occupation II
In the previous post, I introduced occupational family trees and displayed two charts, one for my Dad's tree and one for Mom's. (See the post here.)
In this post, I will identify the most common occupational fields of my ancestors. To…

Ancestors by Occupation I
Family trees come in all forms and styles. In addition to the traditional chart that identifies ancestors by name, one can also create tree diagrams emphasizing a particular aspect or feature of one's ancestors. Genetic trees, for example,…

My Pilgrim Ancestors
My son Peter gave me a book for Christmas that I really enjoyed - They Knew They Were Pilgrims: Plymouth Colony and the Contest for American Liberty. It's a new history of Plymouth Colony by John G. Turner, a professor of religion at George…

Ten Years of Discoveries
I feel like it's time to step back and reassess. I began building a family tree over a decade ago. In January 2011, I joined Ancestry.com at the suggestion of a buddy at work, Ray Thomas - a fellow Ohioan like my father. I was immediately…

The Thoughts of Our Ancestors
There are many reasons why I like genealogy. I should do a blog post on the subject someday.
But, certainly, one reason is to get to know you're progenitors more personally. What did they look like? What kind of personalities did they…