Estimating my Grandparents DNA Inheritance
I've been working episodically on my genetic genealogy for over four years. My efforts involve Visual Phasing and Chromosome Painting.
Visual phasing is the process of identifying the crossover points on each chromosome and signifying their…

X Chromosome Redux: Sogndal v. Hafslo
Following up on my X-Chromosome post from a couple months ago,((See it here. )) I found two new DNA matches on my X Chromosome that allow me to assign even deeper Norwegian ancestry to some segments.
As background, the image above shows…

Jones-Corken Double Cousins
What is a double cousin?
It's when first cousins share all four grandparents, not just one set of grandparents. This happens when two siblings marry two siblings from another family. Imagine a young lady marrying a guy and then introducing…

DNA Discovery: Phasing the X Chromosome
In the last blog post, I wrote about red-green color blindness, a recessive trait linked to genes on the X Chromosome.((See it here.)) Let's move on to talk about the X Chromosome as a whole and how mine compares to my siblings.
Yes, I've…

From Whom Did Peter Get His Color Blindness?
My son Peter has red-green color blindness. We discovered this when he was about 7. No one in my family has color blindness, so I was quite surprised.
I happened to come across one of those visual tests for color blindness in some book…

2020 Ethnicity Estimate Update
Well, here we go again. AncestryDNA recently released a new ethnicity update, apparently an annual exercise at this point. The company keeps adding new samples to their reference populations and updating the logarithms that define ethnic…

New Addition to Family DNA Project
I neglected DNA analysis last year but am determined to spend more time on it this year. Taking the SLIG course, Genetic Genealogy, in January was the first step.
Secondly, I am proceeding with visual phasing of my siblings and I. This…

Discovery: Alsatian Marriage Record for Whaley Ancestors
In prepping for the Europe trip we're probably not going on, I started reviewing the information I had collected in the past about my Alsatian ancestors. In doing so, I made a major discovery! I found the original French marriage record…

Another Ethnicity Update from AncestryDNA
AncestryDNA recently rolled out another ethnicity estimate upgrade. The 2019 upgrade is based on over 40,000 reference samples, a jump from 16,000 when the last revision occurred in 2018 (and from 3,000 prior to that). They also fine-tuned…

DNA Health Report
Of all the major DNA testing companies, 23andMe is the only one that specializes in health reports. Their Health+Ancestry Service costs $199. (Their basic autosomal test is $99.) The results provide customers a view into genetic predispositions…