Uncle Jack in World War I: The Italian Connection

This is the fifth in a series of research articles about my granduncle Orville P. "Jack" Bonn (1896-1985). A Montevideo News article announcing Orville P. Bonn's return home in 1920 from three years of military service during World War I…

Uncle Jack in World War 1: Was He Injured?

Was Orville P. "Jack" Bonn (1896-1985) injured during World War I or anytime during his three years of military service?  As discussed in three previous posts, Bonn served in the U.S. Army Air Service 1917-1920.((See here, here, and here.)) Unfortunately,…

Uncle Jack in World War I: Was He an Aviator?

While I look into the reference to granduncle "Jack" Bonn serving in a special detachment that went to Italy, let's address the big question before us. Was Orville P. Bonn (1896-1985) a pilot in World War I? I believe the answer is no. …

Uncle Jack in World War 1: Uniform and Medals

In the last post, I began an exploration of my granduncle Jack Bonn’s service in the U.S. Army Air Service during World War I.  Orville Philip Bonn (1896-1985) was known to the Army as Orville or Orville P. Bonn.  We always knew him…

Uncle Jack in World War I: Part 1

Unfortunate news.  I finally received a substantive response from the National Military Records Center (NMRC) in St. Louis, Missouri about the personnel file for granduncle Jack Bonn (1896-1985).  Tragically, his file was one of those lost…

Who Was Wesley Blalock’s Father?

Civil War veteran Wesley Blalock (1825-1895) was one of my father's great-grandfathers.  (View him in the bottom right portion of my dad's tree above.)  Wesley lived in Little Egypt before the war and in Clermont County, Ohio afterward. …
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X Chromosome Redux: Sogndal v. Hafslo

Following up on my X-Chromosome post from a couple months ago,((See it here. )) I found two new DNA matches on my X Chromosome that allow me to assign even deeper Norwegian ancestry to some segments. As background, the image above shows…

Jones-Corken Double Cousins

What is a double cousin? It's when first cousins share all four grandparents, not just one set of grandparents.  This happens when two siblings marry two siblings from another family.  Imagine a young lady marrying a guy and then introducing…

DNA Discovery: Phasing the X Chromosome

In the last blog post, I wrote about red-green color blindness, a recessive trait linked to genes on the X Chromosome.((See it here.))  Let's move on to talk about the X Chromosome as a whole and how mine compares to my siblings. Yes, I've…

From Whom Did Peter Get His Color Blindness?

My son Peter has red-green color blindness.  We discovered this when he was about 7.  No one in my family has color blindness, so I was quite surprised. I happened to come across one of those visual tests for color blindness in some book…